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Dec 19, 2023
4 Top Tips for Improving Employee Loyalty
SkillPath Staff
Oftentimes, human resource professionals and managers increase worker engagement to retain top talent, but sometimes building employee loyalty in the organization can be more effective. In today’s expanding marketplace, workers aren’t staying with one company like they used to. Therefore, developing trust between leaders and staff members is essential to creating a talent pipeline. It keeps your best workers around for the long run.
Four ways to build trust and improve employee loyalty
1. Be consistent
Workers who see their managers go back on their word or disregard an official policy may not feel loyal to the company. Trust comes from consistency. Supervisors who are open with their employees create a positive workplace atmosphere. That, in turn, causes staff members to want to come into work every day. Leaders should clearly define employee roles, provide reasons for any changes, and stick with company policy. If there is a legitimate reason why you can't provide reasons to your employees (such as legal issues), you can still be honest with your staff. Tell them you'll let them know the particulars as soon as you're able. If you’ve built up the trust factor, they are much more likely to accept that nothing is being hidden from them.
2. Provide challenging opportunities
Managers have to provide employees with the chance to do great work. People are likely to stay with a business when they feel positively challenged. Doing something important for the company is exciting. If they work hard, and their work gets noticed, they're more likely to stay with the company and feek that they're valued by their employer.
3. Value communication
Not providing feedback to employees’ about their performance or communicating about changes in the company can damage workers’ perception of their employer. It's one thing to say you have an, "open door policy," but it's another to actually live that value. Consistent and continual communication is important to retaining workers and keeping them engaged in their jobs. Understanding what is going on in the company can provide employees with insight about career opportunities, or about professional advancement with the organization.
4. Model the behaviors you want to see in others
“Do as I say, not as I do” won't fly anymore. People need to see that your actions back up your words. There's no quicker way for employees to become disengaged if they see that you're not living up to the same expectations you place on others. If they see you as someone who's genuine in their actions and who doesn't flout company procedures and policies, they'll know they can trust you.
SkillPath Staff
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